LSDV Lithology Screen Data Value File Format
The LSDV lithology file format can be used as a more feature rich replacement for the older PGF format. It has the following advantages:
- Fully supports non-vertical borings
- Supports missing intervals and lithology data which does not begin at ground surface
- Provides an Explicit definition of each lithologic interval
An explanation of the file format follows:
You may insert comment lines in .pgf files.
Comment lines must begin with a ’#’ as the first character of a line.
- Any line beginning with # is a comment (in the file below, the first and third lines are comments and could be deleted without loss of function)
- Entries on lines can be separated by commas, spaces and/or tabs.
- The First (uncommented) line:
- Must begin with Elevation or Depth
- For the data section shown below, when Depth is specified, replace Z with Depth
- Then each material specified in the file is listed as: "Materialnumber|Materialname"
- The end of the line has the coordinate units (typically m [meters] or ft [feet]), OR the REPROJECT tag.
- Must begin with Elevation or Depth
- The next line begins the data section. You do not need to specify the number of data lines. The 9 entries in each line are all required and therefore must be:
- Columns 1-3: Xtop, Ytop, Ztop
- Columns 4-6: Xbottom, Ybottom, Zbottom
- Column 7: Material-number (these are integers which should begin with zero on line 1)
- Column 8: Boring ID
- Column 9: Ground Surface Elevation
We cannot sort this data for you because some borings may turn to horizontal or even upwards.
It is your responsibility to make sure that the data is in the proper order.
It is your responsibility to make sure that each boring ID corresponds to a unique X, Y location if there would be overlapping Z (or depth) intervals. In other words, there cannot be overlapping boring definitions
Below is a snippet of the file "lithology.lsdv" in the "Exporting Data to C Tech File Formats" folder of Studio Projects.
# C Tech Data Exporter generated LSDV File from LITHOLOGY-DATA.XLSX (05/01/2020 15:31:03)
# Columns [DEMO]: "East" "North" "Elev-Top" "East" "North" "Elev-Bot" "Lithology" "Boring" "Ground_Surface"
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1190.2, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1189.8, 0, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1189.8, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1188.2, 1, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1188.2, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1187.8, 0, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1187.8, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1186.7, 1, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1186.7, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1185.6, 0, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1185.6, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1184.2, 2, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1184.2, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1181.2, 1, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1181.2, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1176.2, 1, "720B0001", 1190.2
736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1176.2, 736133.267249, 1637594.55844, 1174.9, 1, "720B0001", 1190.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1191.2, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1190.2, 0, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1190.2, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1189.8, 0, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1189.8, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1187.2, 1, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1187.2, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1186.2, 2, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1186.2, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1184.1, 1, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1184.1, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1182.2, 1, "720B0002", 1191.2
736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1182.2, 736286.268053, 1637647.55834, 1175.9, 1, "720B0002", 1191.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1190.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1189.2, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1189.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1188.2, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1188.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1184.2, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1184.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1181.9, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1181.9, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1179.2, 1, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1179.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1178.9, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1178.9, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1178.2, 1, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1178.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1177.9, 0, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1177.9, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1177.2, 1, "720B0003", 1190.2
737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1177.2, 737193.272266, 1637709.55665, 1174.7, 1, "720B0003", 1190.2